Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blue Streak (Cedar Point)

From my many experiences with roller coasters, I am rarely surprised by a less than 100 foot coaster. Blue Streak stands 78 feet tall, and only reaches a mere 40 mph. Upon visiting Cedar Point, I had not heard much positive about this ride, so my expectations were probably lower than Miley Cyrus's dignity. On day two at the park I was headed for the exit to go get some lunch and visit some thrift shops before returning to the park. However, I passed by Blue Streak in a way, and remembered that I had not ridden it yet. So after briefly contemplating, I made my way over to the woodie. I waited in the ten minute line and boarded the train. The trains are the typical Philadelphia Toboggan style, and the lap bars are a bit larger than normal. We depart from the station, and climb the 78 foot lift rather swiftly (Compared to the Beast at least). We reach the top and I notice the amount of airtime filled amazingness in front of me. We drop down the drop with amazing speed, and I was ejected out of my seat with major airtime. I finally realize that I am back in my seat, but not for long as I am hit with major airtime once more. Get this; I was out of my seat more than I was in it. The speed felt way faster than 40 mph too. I notice the ride is not nearly as rough as its age (and the critics) might have signified. The whole ride may be small and a bit rough at some parts (Not really if you sit in the 2nd row on each car) but this ride is an airtime machine! I got off thinking about how I almost missed out on the greatness that is Blue Streak. This is the surprise of Cedar Point and shouldn't be missed.

Drop: 8/10
Length: 7/10
Comfort: 7/10
Airtime: 10/10
Speed: 7/10
Smoothness: 6/10
Intensity: 6/10

Overall: 86/100 (Great)

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